CRCabal Ritual
CTCabal Therapy
CoSCavern of Souls
CoVChain of Vapor
DRDark Ritual
DWDivining Witch
ETEchoing Truth
EmEmrakul, the Aeons Torn
FoNForce of Negation
FoWForce of Will
LEDLion's Eye Diamond
LMLaboratory Maniac
LPLotus Petal
REBRed Elemental Blast
SESurgical Extraction
SIShelldock Isle
SWStreet Wraith
SdTSensei's Divining Top
StPSwords to Plowshares
TOThassa's Oracle
ToATendrils of Agony

"Library of Leng" by Daniel Gelon

Other Doomsday Resources

Reading time: 6 minutes

Streams and Content Creators

You can often find people streaming in the Discord server. Alternatively, check out these content creators for Doomsday:

James ApeOfJustice WhitehouseEnglishTwitchYouTube
Lee d8dk32 CurtisEnglishTwitchYouTube
Brandon Emidln AdamsEnglishTwitchYouTube
Michael fangzie WebbEnglishYouTube
Albert g0ld_rook HuangEnglishTwitchYouTube
Erik Hulahula ClaussEnglishYouTube
Ethan monkeyscantcry FormicellaEnglishTwitch
Martin nevilshute NielsenEnglishYouTube
Eric Revenantkioku KoziolEnglishTwitchYouTube
Romario Romariovidal NetoEnglishTwitch
Samantha RoseIsland MurphyEnglishTwitch
Kai Sawatarix SawatariEnglish, German, JapaneseTwitchYouTube
だばちゃんJapanese, EnglishTwitch

For Paper Legacy that often involves Doomsday:

Bazaar of BoxesTwitchYouTube


Videos from non-regular streamers or Doomsday content creators in Legacy.

League with DoomsdayDecember 2022MagicBlogsDeGerman
League with Doomsday ft. DoishyNovember 2022Crucible of WordsEnglish
Primer on DoomsdayNovember 2022AmmiOEnglish
Primer on DoomsdayOctober 2022Underground SeaItalian
League with DoomsdayOctober 2022NevilshuteEnglish
League with DoomsdayJuly 2022NevilshuteEnglish
Challenge with DoomsdayJuly 2022RevenantkiokuEnglish
League with Doomsday ft. GriefJune 2022RevenantkiokuEnglish
League with DoomsdayJune 2022RevenantkiokuEnglish
League with DDFTMay 2022d8dk32English
League with Doomsday ft. WonderpreauxApril 2022DoishyEnglish
League with Doomsday ft. RevenantkiokuApril 2022DoishyEnglish
League with Doomsday ft. YorionApril 2022DoishyEnglish
League with Doomsday ft. Death's Shadow (contains ads)December 2021BoshNRollEnglish
MTGBlackSet coverage vs. WW PileDecember 2021FeridGerman
MTGBlackSet coverage vs. Moon StompyNovember 2021FeridGerman
League with DoomsdayOctober 2021Phil GallagherEnglish
League with Doomsday ft. kl0gWOctober 2021Nathan LipetzEnglish
League with Doomsday (contains ads)October 2021BoshNRollEnglish
League with DoomsdaySeptember 2021Bryant CookEnglish
League with DoomsdayAugust 2021GumaPortuguese
League with DoomsdayAugust 2021MinTEnglish
League with Doomsday ft. Stoneforge Mystic (contains ads)August 2021BoshNRollEnglish
League with DoomsdayAugust 2021Bryant CookEnglish
Primer on DoomsdayJuly 2021ちばと MTGJapanese
League with Doomsday post-MH2July 2021MinTEnglish
League with Doomsday ft. WonderpreauxJune 2021Bryant CookEnglish
League with with DoomsdayJune 2021Nathan LipetzEnglish
League with Doomsday ft. Chain of SmogJune 2021MrLeeEnglish
MTGBlackSet coverage vs. Urza EchoMay 2021FeridGerman
Primer on DoomsdayMay 2021NevilshuteEnglish
League with Doomsday ft. TheJigIsAlwaysUpApril 2021Nathan LipetzEnglish
Primer on DoomsdayApril 2021FeridGerman
League with Doomsday ft. Chain of SmogApril 2021CalebDEnglish
League with Doomsday ft. Romariovidal: part 2February 2021HellownewtonEnglish
League with Doomsday ft. Romariovidal: part 1February 2021HellownewtonEnglish
League with DoomsdayFebruary 2021Bryant CookEnglish
League with DoomsdayFebruary 2021LeFlyGerman
League with DoomsdayDecember 2020Andreas MengucciEnglish
Practice games with Doomsday ft. Kai SawatariDecember 2020Anuraag DasEnglish
Leagues with DoomsdaySeptember 2020Rodrigo TogoresEnglish
League with DoomsdayNovember 2020Julian KnabEnglish
League with Doomsday ft. NevilshuteAugust 2020Julian KnabEnglish
League with Doomsday ft. Ari LaxJuly 2020Jarvis YuEnglish
League with DoomsdayJune 2020DK_TTGLPortuguese
Top 8 at the Legacy Titanium Series 1K with DDFTAugust 2017d8dk32English

Highlight Reel

Silly or amusing clips from live Streams.


For podcasts with consistent Doomsday tags or specific episodes.

Other Written Resources

Alternate writings on Doomsday from around the Web.

Dissecting DoomsdayDecember 2023David DelgadoEnglish
Freakle's report for EW2023 PragueNovember 2023FreakleGerman
Grixis Tempo Doomsday: part 2October 2022Samantha RoseIsland MurphyEnglish
Grixis Tempo Doomsday: part 1October 2022Samantha RoseIsland MurphyEnglish
UB Tempo DoomsdayFebruary 2022Max Maxtortion GilmoreEnglish
StormGuyIsMe's thoughts on DoomsdayJanuary 2022StormGuyIsMeEnglish
NagiZero on how to play the deck and their own experiences: part 2August 2021NagiZeroMandarin
NagiZero on how to play the deck and their own experiences: part 1August 2021NagiZeroMandarin
Thoughts on Stifle and Wasteland in DoomsdayJuly 2021WonderpreauxEnglish
Article on Vintage Doomsday by Suzuki YuutoMay 2021Suzuki YuutoJapanese
Vintage articles for Doomsday-RevenantkiokuEnglish
Mini blog primer on the deckApril 2021-Japanese
BUG Doomsday mini primerDecember 2020EmidlnEnglish
NostradamusDecember 2020Max Maxtortion GilmoreEnglish
Max shows off Esper DoomsdayNovember 2020Max Maxtortion GilmoreEnglish